Article 1. The Prof. Nicholas Ambraseys Distinguished Lecture Award is granted by the European Association for Earthquake Engineering to distinguished European researchers in the field of Earthquake Engineering residing in one of the member countries.
Article 2. The motivations for the Prof. Nicholas Ambraseys Distinguished Lecture Award are;
(a) To honour Prof. Nicholas Ambraseys, a pioneer in Earthquake Engineering in Europe.
(b) To award European leading researchers in the field of earthquake engineering,
(c) To recognize and encourage outstanding contributions in the field of earthquake engineering in Europe,
(d) To promote European Association for Earthquake Engineering,
Article 3. The The Prof. Nicholas Ambraseys Distinguished Lecture Award is granted with two year intervals on the occasion of the European Conference on Earthquake Engineering every four years and in between during the General Assembly of European Seismological Commission as one of the keynote lectures in the Earthquake Engineering block. The award recipient will be granted a Commemorative EAEE Plaque.
Article 4. The Awards Committee composed of five members is elected by the Executive Committee two years in advance of the presentation of the award lecture. Members of the Awards Committee can not be nominee for the Prof. Nicholas Ambraseys Distinguished Lecture Award.
Article 5. Nominations shall be requested from the EAEE members via the EAEE Newsletter and EAEE web pages two years in advance from the organisation of the upcoming European Conference on Earthquake Engineering or General Assembly of European Seismological Council.
Article 6. All nominations shall be submitted in written format to the Chairman of the Awards Committee until the end of March one year prior to the presentation of the award lecture. Written citations (~ 1-2 pages) will be requested giving the reasons of nominations. Upon receipt of nominations, nominators shall receive a letter of appreciation from the Awards Committee, but nominees shall remain confidential pending formal selection of the award.
Article 7. Candidates for the Prof. Nicholas Ambraseys Distinguished Lecture Award shall be reviewed and selected by the Awards Committee at the end of June one year prior to the presentation of the award lecture. Conflict of interest and bias in the selection of awardees shall be avoided with the utmost care.
Article 8. The recipients shall prepare an address on the agreed topic for the presentation as the Prof. Nicholas Ambraseys Distinguished Lecture at the upcoming European Conference on Earthquake Engineering or at the General Assembly of European Seismological Council.
Article 9. The manuscript drafted for the Prof. Nicholas Ambraseys Distinguished Lecture prepared by the recipient shall be published in the first available issue of the Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.