Performance-Based Design - Concepts and Implementation



An International Workshop on Performance-Based Design - Concepts and Implementation was held in Bled, Slovenia, from June 28 to July 1, 2004.  The workshop, co-organized by Peter Fajfar and Helmut Krawinkler and sponsored by the PEER Center and Slovenian organizations, brought together  45 leading researchers and engineers and 12 observers from fourteen countries to assess the state of knowledge and discuss future directions for research and design practice on issues important for the development and implementation of performance-based earthquake engineering concepts.  


The address of the workshop webpage is

The webpage contains abstracts, draft papers, presentations, resolutions, conclusions and recommendations.


The forty-three papers prepared for the workshop as well as workshop resolutions and conclusions are compiled in 548 pages of proceedings, which are available from the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Center for $45 (plus postage for overseas orders).  Please address requests to

PEER Reports Orders
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
1301 South 46th Street
Richmond, CA 94804

Tel: 510-231-9403
Fax: 510-231-9461