EAEE Working Group on Strong Motion Records
and Data Analysis WG2
Minutes of the Meeting of Task Group (Paris
TG2 "Strong Motion Records for Engineering Applications"
Strong-Motion Development and Research in Europe
Task Group Meeting
Minutes Of The First Task Group Meeting
Network On Seismic Risk, Vulnerability And Earthquake Scenarios
Minutes of the 2nd
Meeting of TG3
Report of the Activities and 2nd Enserves – EAEE TG3 Meeting. Padova 25-26.6.1998
Seismic risk and earthquake scenarios
c/o ENEA, Via Martiri di Monte
Sole 4, 40129 Bologna, ITALY, email: martelli@bologna.enea.it
on the Activity of Tg5 (1994-1998)
Activity Report of Task Group 5 on "Seismic Isolation of Structures" for the years 2001-2002 by A.Martelli
Minutes of the First Task Group Meeting
During ESC XXVth General Assembly
Minutes of the Second Task Group Meeting
of the Third Task Group Meeting
Final Report of the Joint Activities
For 1994-1998
ESC SCF/WG3 Symposium
on “Site Effects And Experimental
Satellite Conference on “Lessons Learned from Recent Strong Earthquakes”
Joint Research Centre (JRC), IPSC, ELSA, TP480, 21020 Ispra (VA), ITALY, email: artur.pinto@jrc.it
Marie Curie Training
Site in Earthquake Engineering
Marie Curie Training Site in Earthquake Engineering and
Structural Dynamics
Task Group Activities
European Workshop on Seismic Behaviour of Asymmetric and Set-Back
European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of
Asymmetric and Setback Structures
Second European Workshop on the Seismic
Behaviour of Asymmetric and Irregular Structures
Report (1994-1998)
TG8 "Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex
Forthcoming Third Workshop
TG10 on "Seismic Aspects of Historical Monument Preservations"